Meditation Mondays
A way to reflect on the past week and the upcoming week…
Yesterday, my pastor preached an inspiring message about letting go. It wasn’t your typical ‘let go, let God’ type of message. This sermon was about understanding why you should let go. So many times our friends and family tell us “Girl, you need to let him go. Don’t trust him!” Why? Why should I let this man who treats me okay, has a steady job, no kids and 2 years of education go? By the way, he is just trying to figure things out! What good reason can you give me to let him? Our family usually wants the best for us and they see danger ahead. Oh, our friends want the same thing but sometimes they want you to be miserable with them.
The name of the sermon was “Signs for when its time to let go!” (Exodus 2:1-10). The text describes how Moses’ mother gave him up to avoid being killed by the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh’s daughter discovered him while bathing in the river. She chose Moses’ mother to nurse him until he was weaned. He was raised as a King’s kid. The lesson of the story was the mother had to let him go in order for him to have a better life. A painful and difficult decision but it was better than death. She let go so that her child could fulfill his destiny. Sometimes we hold on to stuff and people out of fear. Where would Moses be if his mother had kept him hidden from the Pharaoh and his men until he was an adult? How would his story change throughout the bible? My pastor stated there are two things that happen when we are striving for our goals: Intervention and Interference. God intervenes and sends signs to guide us back to our path. People, human, will interfere and run defense to stop you from reaching your goal. Decide whether you want an intervention or interference. Moses’ mother did not interfere with his destiny.
So here are the signs:
- When what you are doing can’t be shared publically- sin never wants to be hidden.
Basically, you claim you are in love with a married man but you can’t not tell anyone It will destroy your so-called good thing so you hide it from friends and family.
Or you are strip making good money but you have decided to take the dark side and enter into prostitution so you tell your family that you are waitress.
- When what you are holding onto has found compassion with someone else
That man or that boo thang, you been running home to run bath water for, yet he already smells Zestfully clean. The reason why while you are trying to talk care the kids and go to school, he falls in the arms of another woman.
**please note: this is not every man or situation these are examples. If you mad at me, then you should stop reading and check your man. I am not the problem.
- When you are no longer primary but secondary.
When those nasty habits keep you from paying bills, spending time with your family and going to church, its time to let go. When those negative thoughts keep you from focusing on God, its time to let go!
Never put anyone needs so far beyond your own!
Disclosure: I am a preacher’s kid but not a scholar of the bible. Read your bible!!! Interpretation is real. I have paraphrased the story due to space. Again read your bible and for full clarity. It wouldn’t hurt to visit a church or speak with a pastor.