Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Micro Braids are in!

*Ok so I have had the Micros for about a week now. I lost this post and it took some time to find it.  My edges are a little rough now because I did not braid them tight. I didn’t even try to catch them in the braid. My goal for 2012 is to grow out some healthy edges*

First, I have to thank all the YouTubers!  Without their help, I would have never been able to put these darn things in!

My micro braids are completed. I am very happy with the results. My hubby is happy with the results, too. And the compliments can keep coming!!! Toot! Toot! *my horn* I am really proud of myself!

Products Used:
FreeTress Braid Bulk Brook Curl 1b/33
Queene Helene Royal Curl Shampoo and Conditioner (added in honey, EVOO and coconut oil for a deep conditioner)
SofteeCare Shea Butter Cream (a little mineral oil; it was the 15th ingredient down but WATER and Shea were first!!)
Kimmaytube Leave – In Conditioner
Rubber bands soaked in EVOO
Rat Tail Comb
Clips (to keep hair out the way)
Time and Patience – it took 3 days to complete. No, I was not braiding constantly. I have a life, LOL!

Here are a few of the YouTube videos that helped also:
** The slip knots were the hardest to grasp. Do not use nail glue it could damage your hair*

The key to doing micro braids is to find your own style.  There are so many variations of the technique.  I did what came naturally to me.  I made sure my braids were neat and took my time.

Check out my pics and let me know what you think:


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Are You Standing in Your Own Way?

The Write or Die Chick: Are You Standing in Your Own Way?

Share your thoughts!


When I was a kid, I had a Baby Skates doll. I can still see her vividly in my mind... she had a little Condoleezza Rice-ish bob and a neon pink and yellow outfit. Her shorts might’ve even qualified as hot pants, now that I think about it. I was none the wiser back then. All I knew is I pressed her button and she would whirl into action, rolling all robotic across the kitchen floor. Then, if I didn’t have her trajectory lined up just so, she would hit a wall and skate against that ugly wood paneling until her batteries were drained.

Sometimes I feel just like Baby Skates.

As much of a big dreamer as I am and as many times as I’ve written out my goals and pasted additions to my vision board, I have had to recognize that sometimes it ain’t the wall standing in my way. Sometimes it’s me. I indulge in more than my fair share of self-sabotage, and I’ve discovered that I’m pretty good at it. I procrastinate like nobody’s business. That right there is my special hidden talent. You need some time wasted, honey? I’m your woman. Thing is, I always look busy. That’s because I’m also easily distracted. While I’m flitting all around, I’m not getting too much of anything done. It drives me crazy about myself, and ultimately it’s blocked me from scratching as many things off my to-do list of accomplishments.

Several years back, my pastor — the amazing Rev. Harold B. Hayes, Jr. at Hunter Memorial AME Church in Suitland, MD, in case you’re wondering — preached a New Year’s Eve sermon telling us that we already have access to the things God has for us. We just need to tap into it. He encouraged us to activate it in the physical by shaking our keys at things we were praying to manifest in our lives, the keys representing access.

My friends and I hopped in the car the next day and shook ourselves silly. We shook our keys at beautiful houses. We shook our keys at the BMW dealership. We shook our keys at the airport because we wanted to be world travelers, at banks because we wanted to be philanthropists, and at schools because we all want advanced degrees minus the burden of student loans. And of course, we shook our keys at David’s Bridal. I mean, it couldn’t hurt.

After that exercise in faith, I was all prepped and ready for my breakthrough. God was going to do something powerful after all that naming and claiming and key-shaking. Then I struggled through three of the most terrible years of my life. I landed in eviction court -- three times -- because I was too broke to pay my rent. My car got repossessed. My daughter was having emotional problems and failing out of a school that, unbeknownst to her, I was thisclose to having to pull her from because I couldn’t afford the tuition. My relationship with my man was on the fritz. Life wasn’t looking anything like the wonderland of blessings that I was expecting after I jingled those keys. I was more than a little discouraged. Some days I was insulted. Others I was flat-out pissed. What was the use of being a big dreamer and having these elaborate visions if God wasn’t going to set them off?

It’s easy to get in a habit of blaming circumstances, situations and people for what’s not going on in our lives when in actuality, it’s us. Just regular ol’ everyday, look-at-ourselves-in-the-mirror us. Life happens to everybody and being here and being good and even, if you’re a person of faith, being a dedicated follower doesn’t absolve anybody from trouble. That was a hard pill for my broke tail to swallow, but I went on ahead, considering I didn’t have health insurance. While I was waiting for my personal storms to pass, I also had to get clear about things Janelle was doing to slow down Janelle’s own progress.

I started calling myself out on being a time-waster and scatterbrain. I could only log onto Facebook or answer emails from my bestie if I worked for a half-hour straight, uninterrupted. That was my reward. If I didn’t send a new story idea to one of my editors for the day, I couldn’t watch TV. That was my consequence. Instituting a system of checks and balances for myself held me accountable for the things I could control in the progress toward my dreams. God was ultimately in charge, yes. But I played a part in how swiftly -- and gracefully -- I came out.

I’m still learning how to get out of my own way. Lord knows I am. Unlike Baby Skates, I’m more flexible. I had to learn how to stick and move, even against myself.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Micro Braid Weekend…

Ok, I am going to attempt some Micro braids this weekend. I have a full four days off from work so I will take my sweet little precious time.

Do not ask me how to do them!  I can’t explain it. Point blank. I watched hours of YouTube videos to nail down my own technique. You don’t have to be perfect like the “Africans”.  Being neat and taking your time should deliver some nice braids each time.

I am not using human hair this time. I want to perfect my own craft before I spend that kind of money. I am going to try some deep wave bulk hair though. It may run about $8.00 a pack. #dontjudgeme.

Prep is the key.  I am going to wash and deep condition my hair tonight.  Moisture and blow dry in the morning before I start. I think I am going to add in a protein conditioner to help with the breakage.  One key theme in every video was a CLEAN HEAD. Do not put in braids on a dirty scalp. You will be the blame for the extreme itch afterward.

I may do a video for the site or YouTube. I haven’t decided yet.  It will be up next week if I do one.

Lastly, I wanted to leave you with some pictures of my twist out. I love it! It turned out really cute. I only have one hang-up: shrinkage.  You have to see for yourself.

Twist Out. it's springy and wild!

Hard to see!!! But you can still tell how my hair shrinks.

Front view

Upclose side view


Women’s Retreat

So my friends and I are working on a little women’s retreat for the fall or spring. I want to do more than laughing and sipping wine. Let’s talk. We are so busy with work and family that we rarely have time to just let it all out. I don’t want this to be a venting session either.  Why can’t we come together to exchange ideas and network? You can network among your friends. Some of friends don’t know about your hidden talents or side business that you have.  You also may have a tough stain or kid issue that another friend may have the answer too.

Sound off! What are some fun things you like to do with your friends? Where are the cool affordable places to visit?


Back to School

I am back in school. So the posts may slow down a bit but I will try to keep bringing the thoughts that come to my mind. I have a few posts that are in my head. I just need a little time to sort them all out. I also found some interesting posts on some of my favorite blogs.

Remember you can always let me know what you would like to see!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Excited about my growth!!!

So I was looking through all 800 of my pictures on yesterday and found some pictures from last year.  I could not believe how much my hair has grown. I sit and look at my tight a** afro and say afro. She says yes! I say are you growing? She says sure but you can’t see it.  My 6 inch long hair shrinks to less than half the size. I always look like I have a TWA (teeny weenie afro).
One style that I like but doesn’t always work is TWIST. I love me some two strand twist. I think they can be so funky when done right. Problem is I always feel like a boy after I put them in. I usually jazz up the make up or add in some accessories. So take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think…




Just this week 10/2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Down, Set, Hike!!!!!

This week’s Fine Friday goes to:

Cam Newton
North Carolina Panthers

#1 First Overall Pick for the 2011 NFL Draft
Starting Quarterback North Carolina Panthers
Heisman Trophy Winner
2010 Starting Quarterback National Championship Auburn Tigers
6’ 5
244 lbs
 Age 22
 Already has over 1000 passing yards for the season!

And yes he is home grown in the good ole ATLANTA GA!

Are you ready for some Football?!?!

Ladies let me know what you think?


Study Uncovers Skills and Education Necessary in Modern Workforce - Talent Management magazine

Did you know that 8 in 10 employers believe that education is critical to the success at their company? You didn't ! Education is only one skill or factor employers look at when hiring a new candidate. They also want people with solid communication and management skills. No, that doesn't mean run out and start talking to people. It does mean you should polish up on your email skills. You might want to know what "LOL" is written out. You may want to participate in a free Interviewing course at your local Department of Labor. Also learn to management time and people. Personally, I say focus on being a better leader. Leadership is about engaging an employee to do their best. It helps them to understand they are more than a number in a system.

Find one activity or skill to develop that will land your next job!

Check out this study: Study Uncovers Skills and Education Necessary in Modern Workforce - Talent Management magazine

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This probably wasn’t a good idea…

So over the last few months I have prided myself in learning how to put in braid extension. Hold your applause. Yes , it saves a ton of money. Yes, I am getting better at it. But it doesn’t change the fact that these things are a pain to put in and a pain to take out. Plus , the itch! I am mean OMG, I itch like nobody’s business. I am itching as I post. Did I do something wrong? I take very good care of my scalp. I wash, condition, moisturize and then some. I do it all, but this itch has got to be the worst. I mean there are some itches on the body that could be worst, but this right here is it right now.  Whew!  They itch so something serious that I am removing them from my head tomorrow!  I can chuck up the $12 I spent on hair.  Hold up! Hold up! Hold Up! Hold up! * in my Big Sean voice*. Maybe it is the hair.  Nope, its my scalp. I have spoiled her to the point that she has to be washed every week.  My hair appreciates the treatment too. After suffering from breakage, she has come back to me. She should be treated with such high standards.

Well let me go back to itch and posting.


8 Mistakes to Avoid on LinkedIn - ASAP, American Society of Administrative Professionals

I think I am in HR overload...

I found this article or it found me, which ever! I thought it would be useful to those using Linkedin or not.

8 Mistakes to Avoid on LinkedIn - ASAP, American Society of Administrative Professionals

As always share your thoughts or share with a friend!


Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Are We Making Obesity Sexy in the Black Community?...

Please check this post out over at Curly Nikki. One of my friends just mentioned this very topic in a post on Facebook. It's not about being skinny. It's about your health. It's time we stop making excuses and take better care of ourselves. I rather be a size 10 (yay me, finally) than a size 4 abut can't walk a mile. I took a vow to myself to particpate in more physical activities besides shopping and running after the kids. If I don't take care of the inner me than my kids won't have the outer me to run from. Stop and think about the fries and burger that you are about to eat. It's ok to ask for a salad and burger instead ( gots to keep it real! ).

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Are We Making Obesity Sexy in the Black Community?...: by Sherrell Dorsey of Organic Beauty Vixen Screw what’s politically correct on overweight children and adults. Diabetes is at an all-time...

Assume your position?

How much does your position at work say about you?  Does your position dictate how your co-workers treat you? Does your personality play a role in staying in your position?
Many of my friends have no clue what my position is at my company. I don’t think I ever really told them. Am I ashamed? Sort of, I guess you could call it that. It has nothing to do with the company. I personally don’t feel like I am operating in my gifts. I have a few associates who like to undermine my position and my education. Thank God, I am working. I also understand the economic climate. This right here what I am doing is just not good enough for me. I am not satisfied. I believe it shows on my face. My co-workers don’t make it any easier as they press their minute demands upon me. Wait what am I? I am an Administrative Assistant in Learning and Development for a large company.  I never would have thought after all my degrees I would be here. Did I say THANK GOD FOR A JOB?  This is not a post to complain. I just wonder what my co-workers assume of me.  Do they think I am lazy?  Do they think this is all I set out to do because I walk around with a big goofy smile on my face?  No, we don’t have coffee chats about my future, but I am curious to know. The one thing that I do know is they think I am some “Coffee Replenishing- PO Pushing- Delivery Making- Birthday Cake Buying- Lunch Providing” woman.  Oh, I forget to mention “Soul Sista”. I have to chat about that later. Cocoa (my afro)  and I get all kinds of assumptions

            So after all my ramblings, do you let you position determine your fate at work?  I do like to think of myself as an integral part of the department. I will have 10 grumpy old men stomping about the building if I don’t order coffee. I would hate to think what would happen if we celebrate June birthdays and not Julys.  Personally I have never seen a bunch of people get worked up over a birthday card. They were so worked up that it was in my performance review this past month. Really!?! What category does that fall under on a resume?  Heck yeah, I laughed at that foolishness too. This proves my point! They don’t think of me past the title of my position.

So weigh in ~

All the education in the world can’t earn you respect.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Product Review...a quick one!

So I have been super duper busy with life! And I haven't had one free moment to post. I was on a roll for a minute. I decided to drop a little product review before I get into some other below

This week’s feature is E.L.F or Eyes Lips Face. Most people simply call them ELF Cosmetics. They can be found in many stores such Target, Rainbow and Kmart.  The great thing about this product line is not only do they have many amazing products but most cost only a $1. You heard it first! Many items cost one whole dollar, Mr. Washington!

            I discovered this site while I was unemployed. I wanted to look good for an interview but had very little money to spend on makeup. I was doing a Google search one night and found ELF. They sell everything from lipstick to travel cases. My favorite items are the make up brushes. With over 12 different kinds to choose from, you can become your own little makeup artist.  One great thing about the make- up brushes  is that they are all washable. I use a pea sized about of my facial cleanser to wash my brushes. I really need to wash them weekly but I am lazy.

I also like ELF cosmetics because it gives you an opportunity to try many looks for less. They have colors that I would not pay $10.99 for much less $5.99 because I know I wouldn’t wear it a lot.  But with ELF , I can have that color for those They have a palette that you can purchase now with over 50 colors to choose from. I purchased this palette as a college gift for a friend. She has nothing but raves for the product. She likes the fact the she can mix and match colors at one time.  She has even created some of her own colors just by mixing a few together.

I encourage, no urge you to try out ELF.  Shipping usually takes a week and is around $ 5.95 . If you sign up for the email list, you will get many great sales. They have one day sales that can go up to 70% off any product. We all know what 70% off a dollar means…thirty cents. You can purchase a month or two of make up for under $20.

So check it out and tell me what you think. I have a few of the products and will try to get some product reviews up shortly.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Winter Regimen

This will be my first time in my 3 years being natural that I will develop a winter regimen. Last winter, I fried and dyed my hair to the point of no return. I lost a lot of hair , which propelled me into a taking better care of my hair (and my daughter’s) journey. My hair is dry all year round. It’s dry right now after I sprayed it with some coconut/Castor mixed this morning.  My hair sucks up every drop of water you put on it. I am not sure exactly where it goes because most times my hair feels like I blow dried on high heat.  I want that soft supple feel that so many of my Naturalistas are fond of! A girl can only dream…

            So to begin my quest, I want to change up my shampoo and conditioner.  I have been using Bee Mine Products for both myself and daughter. My daughter’s hair is the say bomb dot com aloud in your Tamar Braxton voice)  with these products. Mine on the hand responds well to the conditioner but dislike the shampoo. It saddens me because it is a really great product line. I am really beginning to think that my “get dirty quick” hair does not like shampoo.  Could I be an inner “no- pooer”?

SN (side note): I must get a natural dictionary going for you guys!

 I have been looking into Queene Helene and Crème of Nature Aragon of Morocco lines. I am in the Google and YouTube phase at this point. I hope to figure it out by my next pay day. Yes, I am a certified glorified baller on a budget!!!  I love discounts and coupons! Um, focus…So I plan on purchasing one of the two lines this Friday and will give a product review some time in the future. I have some homemade kinky twists in right now.

            This leads me to the next point! I am trying to wear protective styles until January. I taught myself how to do kinky twists. Shout out to YouTube. Before my next set of twists, I want to use one of the above products products. As far as the kinky twists, I have been exploring different kinds of hair.  Sadly, its hard to find different brands in my city. With all the hair being stolen around here, one would like to think it would not be a problem. Fear not, the cyber diva in me will find some hair to try.

Oops , did I mention I am a Natural Lovely! I think I did. I am still working on that story. Stay tuned.

I have my sights on Fluffy Twist ( and Nubian Twist.  Check out YouTube for more info. My heart is telling me to try some micros, but err um …ok (bad English, I know). I don’t have the patience to sit and hold my own head for micros. But who knows, I have been changing my braids every 4 weeks to give my hair a rest and condition it.

Another SN: I will update you on how these protective styles have been to my hair later. One word: Growth!!! Yay Baby! Who dat! We dat!

Lastly, I want to henna. I don’t know if I can henna and twist. My plan is to find out. I heard so much about henna that I should give it a try.  Henna is ….um , well moving along. I will provide more details about each as I explore my options.

So I have to get back to work! It pays the bills and buys the products.


What it do!! Hey


Can I say that life has been CHAOTIC? I don’t know whether I am coming or going. I have tons of post ready to go but no time to edit.  It is so much going on with me and the world And you must get the best from me. I will update today so look out for them later on .


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Momma, why am I fat?

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

By now you have seen the ads, especially if you live in the Atlanta metro area. What ads? I am talking about the ads. The ads have a picture of a child, ages 10- 17, with a slogan in reference to being obese. One ad that stands out shows a black girl with a reference to being bullied. We all know what bullying in schools has led to – death.

I posted the commercial in its entirety a few days back.

Why do I think this cause is so important? First Georgia has the second highest obesity rate in the nation among children, ages 10 – 17. Ok, we are not first but second is just as bad. Second , I can relate to the girl. I was the fat kid. No, I was not always the blogging diva you see before you. I was actually fat. I also had a jherri curl. *insert jokes*. I didn’t get picked a lot but it was enough. It was a different time, but it was still hard. I was overdeveloped; my clothes didn’t fit right and often received unwanted attention from older men. My mom tried her best to make me comfortable, but it didn’t help that she took me to the women’s section to shop sometimes. Or my granny would make my dresses. See there weren’t any Kids Plus or Juniors Plus sections in my day so I had very little selection. My mom would often find “boutiques” that catered to the bigger child because obese wasn’t the term back in the day. We were the fat kids. My special store was supposed to make the fat kid pretty.

Ok wait, I was also very athletic, but it did nothing to curb my appetite. When I was bored or sad, I ate. We now know it as a form of depression. Obesity can bring on hypertension, liver failure, excessive sweating, bullying, and the worst – death. Yet there are ways to fight obesity. Get up and move. Put down the chips and pick up an apple. It sounds so easy but its not about the food. It is about your life. Is your life worth being fat and happy or fit and breathing? No, it doesn’t come off overnight, but it will come off.

So just visit the website. They have plenty of tips that can help you family. You may know a child that is suffering from obesity. We need to stop the saying, “that’s just baby fat!”. You may not be able to change your size but you can  at least be healthy.

As always,


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hair Wars

teamnatural vs teamperm

Weigh in! Do naturals and perms have to fight? Is one better than the other? Why do naturals get a bad wrap? Is this a topic of discussion for you? Is perm more acceptable in the workplace?


Take Down Tuesdays

Posted on the website:

Real Talk: A Woman's Guide to Turning 30

Beyonce Knowles recently turned 30! Decked out in a floor length dress, natural-esque curls, and sky-high pumps, the mom-to-be celebrated the beginning of her third decade aboard a luxury yacht in Venice with her husband. 

As Twitter well-wishes for Bey poured out, I couldn’t help but notice that none of the stereotypical angst about turning 30 was thrown her way. Is it because she’s married with a successful career and a kid on the way? Or has the oft-spoken-of frenzy about women leaving their 20s finally died down?


I never had a fear of 30. Two years ago, I was begging to be let in to the Third Tier, desperate to leave behind the immaturity, self-doubt and growing pains that made up most of my twenties.

“I don't feel old. Matter of fact, I don't even feel grown,” I wrote on my personal blog the morning of my 30th birthday. ”Don't feel like I've arrived, still got a’ways to go on my path. But I can see the destination. It's still on a hill, but I'm not looking from the bottom of the valley anymore. I can carve a clear path if I stay focused.”

In honor of that birthday, I made note of a few things women should know by age 30. This is the (partial) list:

*Love is a verb. Having the emotion means absolutely nothing if it's not followed through with action.

*If he is The One, he will be The One. When you're forcing it, it's not working. Stop and look for the Next One.

*Angry does not equal strong, it equals angry. You don't have to be an angry Black woman to be a strong Black woman.

*Ask for what you want in the bedroom. If you can't vocalize what you want to him to learn, you shouldn't be having sex.

*Learn how to treat people with the understanding you would like to receive. You're not perfect. Neither is anyone else.

* See the world. Go visit other continents and cultures. Learn a greeting in the native language, smile, and say ‘thank you’ in their language.

*Be alone. If you don’t enjoy our own company, how can you expect anyone else to? Start with a movie; try a matinee if you’re paranoid. Then move on to lunch, then dinner, and finally another country alone.

*Learn to trust yourself. A million people will tell you a million stories -- some true, some lies. If it sounds like a lie, it usually is. If it sounds true, it might be. Go with what makes sense to you.

*Learn from your mistakes. If you do dumb ish and actually learn from it, your mistake is not in vain. Try not to apologize for the same thing more than once.

*Embrace getting older. There are few things worse than a woman who doesn’t grow old gracefully. If you’re jealous of the young, take solace in that -- God willing -- young people eventually get old too.

What else should be on the list of what women need to know by 30?

Demetria L. Lucas is the Relationships Editor at ESSENCE and the author of "A Belle in Brooklyn: Your Go-to Girl for Advice on Living Your Best Single Life” (Atria) in stores now. Follow her on Twitter at @abelleinbk

Read more:

Ladies, do you have anything to add? I think she has a well put together list.

Four things I would add:

Do what you love and passionate about!   Today may be the day to change your career or go back to school

Never settle for less than what you deserve.  If you want the house, family and kids do what you need to do to get it.

Trust God.  Or whomever you follow. Seek Him for guidance and find a good church home.

Build lasting relationships.  Surround yourself with people that you can trust and respect …and vice versa.

Sound Off !!!


a Disclaimer of sorts...

Note to all readers: Please do not hold my blog to be bible. Please do not take any opinions personally. If I post something that offends you, use the blog as a medium and express your thoughts. I try my best not to post anything that will be degrading or discriminating to any women, man, group or affiliation.  I just see things and have conversations that may be of interest to others.  I started this blog in fun to express myself and I will keep it as such. As the old saying goes: Charge my head and not my heart!

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant – Robert McCloskey


Monday, September 12, 2011

Gelish Update

Gelish Update

Ok my manicure last one week…wait, don’t jump to conclusions. First, let me tell you.

I am rough with hands. I knew this before doing the manicure and investing the money.   I lift boxes. My hands hit walls. My hands are stepped on by kids. I am roughly rough.  I did some kinky twist this weekend and my hair caught a snag. It took off most of the gel. Don’t fret! By the time I finished twisting and braiding my hair 5 out of 10 nails had gel peeling. However, they were still shiny and my nail was not damage. I plan on taking the gel off and doing them over this week. I want to retest the theory that the manicure will hold up under normal circumstances.  Sooooo, they lasted while I was doing everything else but braiding my hair. Something to think about???

Check out the pic below. I tried to get as close as possible. I have done nothing to my cuticles.


letting go...

Meditation Mondays          

A way to reflect on the past week and the upcoming week…

Yesterday, my pastor preached an inspiring message about letting go. It wasn’t your typical ‘let go, let God’ type of message. This sermon was about understanding why you should let go. So many times our friends and family tell us “Girl, you need to let him go. Don’t trust him!” Why? Why should I let this man who treats me okay, has a steady job, no kids and 2 years of education go? By the way, he is just trying to figure things out! What good reason can you give me to let him? Our family usually wants the best for us and they see danger ahead. Oh, our friends want the same thing but sometimes they want you to be miserable with them.

The name of the sermon was “Signs for when its time to let go!” (Exodus 2:1-10). The text describes how Moses’ mother gave him up to avoid being killed by the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh’s daughter discovered him while bathing in the river. She chose Moses’ mother to nurse him until he was weaned. He was raised as a King’s kid. The lesson of the story was the mother had to let him go in order for him to have a better life. A painful and difficult decision but it was better than death.  She let go so that her child could fulfill his destiny. Sometimes we hold on to stuff and people out of fear. Where would Moses be if his mother had kept him hidden from the Pharaoh and his men until he was an adult?  How would his story change throughout the bible?  My pastor stated there are two things that happen when we are striving for our goals: Intervention and Interference. God intervenes and sends signs to guide us back to our path. People, human, will interfere and run defense to stop you from reaching your goal. Decide whether you want an intervention or interference.  Moses’ mother did not interfere with his destiny.

So here are the signs:
  1. When what you are doing can’t be shared publically- sin never wants to be hidden.

Basically, you claim you are in love with a married man but you can’t not tell anyone It will destroy your so-called good thing so you hide it from friends and family.

Or you are strip making good money but you have decided to take the dark side and enter into prostitution so you tell your family that you are waitress.

  1. When what you are holding onto has found compassion with someone else

That man or that boo thang, you been running home to run bath water for, yet he already smells Zestfully clean. The reason why while you are trying to talk care the kids and go to school, he falls in the arms of another woman.

**please note: this is not every man or situation these are examples. If you mad at me, then you should stop reading and check your man. I am not the problem.

  1. When you are no longer primary but secondary.

When those nasty habits keep you from paying bills, spending time with your family and going to church, its time to let go. When those negative thoughts keep you from focusing on God, its time to let go!

Never put anyone needs so far beyond your own!

Disclosure: I am a preacher’s kid but not a scholar of the bible. Read your bible!!! Interpretation is real.  I have paraphrased the story due to space. Again read your bible and for full clarity. It wouldn’t hurt to visit a church or speak with a pastor.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Organized Chaos

Yep that sums up my life!

Have you ever raced out the house and forgot a shoe? Have you walked around aimlessly looking for your keys that are in your hand? Have you forgotten to sign papers for the kids or pay a bill? Or have you ever put on a pair of dirty underwear because you the clothes somehow got mixed up? Well all those things and more have happened to me as a working mom/wife! Oh don’t be shame, it happens! Life happens and we all get caught up. It is a funny moment when you look down to see a stain or your shoes don’t match. Regardless, we women tend to march on!

So here is your space to share a tale or give me a little TMI!


Thirsty....well drink up!!!

Have you seen the above ad? Doesn’t it make you thirsty for some Smart Water? I wanted to drink this water with a British accent just because of Idris Elba. Tell me what you think!

Idris Elba has the honor of being our first Fine Friday!

Fine Fridays will feature handsome specimens such as Idris, your husbands, your partners, your boo thangs, children, friends, family and most importanly YOU. It will showcase what is fierce, fabulous and frankly  Show off your hair, style, new car, new job, you hobbies, talents or anything else that keeps you in a spotlight!

So send in your pictures and show how FIONE you are!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Excuses at work....

Today I got off early to particpate in a corporate run/walk, however I told my manager I had a personal appointment. I mean it was personal. I don't want to share my personal life with my work life unless it affects my work life. Does it  really even matter when I have 20 personal days and 5 sick days what I do with my time? I understand the needs of the business, but my position does not play a big role in the effectiveness of the business.  Some people rarely notice that I am there. Does this little white lie make me a bad person? Really, my manager skipped work because she had to take a conference call, every Thursday. Duh, we know noticed the pattern. She calls it working from home. We call it a free day off every week. Management has its perks. So am I really wrong for using my personal time to embark on my own endeavors? We are in fact adults and shouldn't feel the need to check in. Management has set up a dome of fear so we run mindless to them keeping them abreast of our every move.The question is Do we really need to give our managers a valid reason why we are using our personal time? Is it ok to lie? What difference will it make if they have the truth or not?


Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Self-Concept Thursday!

Check out this posting from one of my fav bloggers of Natural Hair!

Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Self-Concept Thursday!: Your Inner World Rules Your Outer World by Leandra of What My World's Like Life is calling you. All the time. Do this. Do that. Don’t do ...

Comfortable or Happy

One of my friend girls asked me “Why was she so afraid to accept a possible ‘good’ thing?”  She is currently involved in a relationship with a fairly decent guy. He is working to gain his stability. Like many men, He has been a victim to our brutal economy. Now you may say what’s wrong with growing and building with a brother? Nothing, there is nothing wrong with helping a man achieve his goals. Ask yourself first: Is his goals a priority or are you making his goals a priority? You can’t help anyone that doesn’t want to help themselves.  You can guide them into the right direction, but without the right motivation they will surely fall back into the same habits. You, meaning the woman, will be left picking up the pieces while he finds other interest.

(Source Bossip)

Back to my friend, she has the possiblity of another suitor. He lives in another state. He has his act together and knows how to keep it together. What’s the problem? He is the ‘good’ thing . Another problem: they been down this road before, as teenagers. Is there a difference? They are both adults who experienced other relationships. Will it work now? Is it worth giving it another try? Can you really predict what type of future they may have based on a teenage love affair? But what about the current relationship? Is my friend jumping ship because he is head toward an iceberg?

Purple Cocoa’s Thoughts: You have to do what’s best for you at the end of the day. Do not deny yourself happiness because you are healing someone else’s misery. If you are not married and not in a committed relationship, you have every right to explore your other options. Do be sensitive to other’s feelings but not so sensitive that you get caught up. You get very few chances to have real love.  Think about the quality of a relationship that you would like to have with your partner. Sometimes you need a person who feeds you a little more than you feed them.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stop Childhood Obesity: Tamika

So Children's Healthcare of Atlanta ( has began a fight against childhood obesity with the "Stop Sugar Coating It" campaign. Personally, I agree that many children in Georgia are extremely overweight. They are not getting enough exercise and allowed to consume hours of junkfood. However , when schools are forced to cut physical education and recreation programs dwindling volunteer list, what are parents to do?

What do you think of the commerical above? Do you think they are sending the right message?