Thursday, September 29, 2011

This probably wasn’t a good idea…

So over the last few months I have prided myself in learning how to put in braid extension. Hold your applause. Yes , it saves a ton of money. Yes, I am getting better at it. But it doesn’t change the fact that these things are a pain to put in and a pain to take out. Plus , the itch! I am mean OMG, I itch like nobody’s business. I am itching as I post. Did I do something wrong? I take very good care of my scalp. I wash, condition, moisturize and then some. I do it all, but this itch has got to be the worst. I mean there are some itches on the body that could be worst, but this right here is it right now.  Whew!  They itch so something serious that I am removing them from my head tomorrow!  I can chuck up the $12 I spent on hair.  Hold up! Hold up! Hold Up! Hold up! * in my Big Sean voice*. Maybe it is the hair.  Nope, its my scalp. I have spoiled her to the point that she has to be washed every week.  My hair appreciates the treatment too. After suffering from breakage, she has come back to me. She should be treated with such high standards.

Well let me go back to itch and posting.


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